Expression as Tree — 5. Comparisons & Conditionals

Expression as Tree is a sequence consisting of the following 5 notional machines:
1. Arithmetic
2. Logic
3. Objects
4. Arrays
5. Comparisons & Conditionals

Programming Language

imperative, OO / Java



Attribution — Origin / Source

Collected by Matthias Hauswirth — Own practice

Conceptual Advantage

Makes explicit the fact that comparisons are just expressions (they produce a boolean value), and that one can construct expressions with the ternary conditional operator (providing a boolean value as the first operand).


... (all aspects from 4-Arrays)
binary comparison operator (==, !=, <, <=, >=, >) tree node with operator between two holes
ternary conditional operator (?:) tree node with a hole for the condition, '?', a hole for the then-value, ':', and a hole for the else-value

Draws Attention To

The structure, typing, and evaluation of expressions involving comparisons and conditionals.

Use When

When explaining comparisons (e.g., when introducing conditional statements and loops) and conditional expressions.


Small, can be done on paper or with a tool like Expression Tutor.


The following videos and activities come from, where you can find a much more comprehensive set of resources and tools. Expression Tutor supports many different programming languages, but the material discussed here is specific to Java.

The Crash Course: Expressions in Java provides a learning experience that corresponds to this notional machine sequence.

Explainer Video: Comparisons & Conditionals

The following video comes from section Comparisons & Conditionals of the Crash Course.

Example Activity

Here is an example “Expression Tutor” activity. Can you solve it?

Explainer Video: Where to find expressions

Explainer Video: Determining the type of an expression

Explainer Video: Determining the value of an expression

Comments or Feedback?

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