Information for Developers

Would you like to extend this site? Then this is the page for you!


This page is hosted on GitHub, at It is a GitHub Pages page for the notionalmachines GitHub organization. The organization is administered by the members of this community.


The site is built with Jekyll, the static site generator supported by GitHub pages.

It uses the Liquid template engine (which comes with Jekyll). Source files are written in HTML and/or Markdown, with YAML frontmatter and Liquid templates.

It is styled using Semantic UI.


As a GitHub Pages page for a GitHub organization, the site necessarily is in the corresponding GitHub repository:

Running Locally

While pushing to GitHub will automatically deploy the site, it can make sense to test changes locally beforehand. For that, one needs Jekyll to be installed. Then one can run bundle exec jekyll serve to launch a local server that serves the site on http://localhost:4000.