Physical Java — 1. Arrays & Refs

Physical Java is a sequence consisting of the following 6 notional machines:
1. Arrays & Refs
2. Physical Objects
3. Written Objects
4. Refs as Arrows
5. Paper List/ListNode
6. Inheritance

Programming Language

imperative / Java



Attribution — Origin / Source

Collected by Colleen Lewis — Own practice

Conceptual Advantage

Shows the need for references and shows int arrays as sequences of ints.


int number written on paper in a small blue pocket
int array sequence of int variables
variable variable name followed by a small box
stack frame rectangle with the method name written on the side containing all local variables
reference pocket containing a remote control with a ribbon to the referent
null empty pocket with an X shown in the back

Draws Attention To

Two references can refer to the same array. And arrays are just sequences of variables.

Use When

Introducing Java ints, int arrays, references to arrays, and null.


Creating the physical model is a lot of work.

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