Object as Student

Programming Language

object-oriented / any



Attribution — Origin / Source

Collected by Matthias Hauswirth — Own practice, Andrianoff & Levine

Conceptual Advantage

Makes explicit that an object is an identifiable thing that answers to calls.


class natural language description of methods and their behaviors (on sheet of paper)
object student
method call verbal request made to student
actual argument stated as part of verbal request
return value verbal response from student

Draws Attention To

Objects, method calls, and returns.

Use When

When the meaning of OO is still unclear.


Difficult for instructor to react to students' actions during role-play,and to catch (and exploit) all the teachable moments.


This idea is based on Andrianoff & Levine’s Role Playing in an OO World.

Matthias Hauswirth uses this notional machine in the first week of his object-oriented programming course. The course follows an objects-first methodology, and object creation and method invocation are the first concepts students learn.

This analogy-based notional machine has two main risks:

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